Contents of Auto Dealer Monthly - APR 2012

Auto Dealer Monthly Magazine is the daily operations publication serving the retail automotive industry. This automotive publication serves dealer principals, officers and general managers with the latest best practices.

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in the beginning only in the car business
How Far Away is Your Grocery Store? A
couple bought a car at the dealership on a Friday night. It was late and they
asked about our "Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee" an unusual amount of times, which was very suspicious. They were told that they were welcome to take advantage of Uncle Frank's money back guarantee and bring the vehicle back if they didn't like it, but it would be better if they just found a car that they liked the first time. "Oh no ... we love the car. We just want to make sure we can bring it back just in case!"
Very unusual. $100
So Monday rolled around and the customers are waiting for the store to open. Sure enough, they wanted to bring the vehicle back. No problem. I walked around the car to make sure it was in the same condition as when it left the store. It was, except it had more than 1,200 additional miles on it! So the customers are told that they will have to pay for the additional car mileage. They go ballistic. Emotionally, they hit the roof. They said that they had only driven the car home, to church, to the grocery store and back to the dealership. Then, they claimed the car was rigged when they bought
it so the miles "would jump forward" and they wouldn't be able to return it.
Of course, no one at the dealer- ship rigged anything. However, it would have been easy to believe that the odometer was messed up if it hadn't been for the gas and McDonalds receipts from Orlando, Fla., that they left in the back floorboard! Oops!
Submitted by: Tracy Myers Dealer Frank Myers Auto Maxx Winston-Salem, NC
We're looking for your stories and we will pay! It can't all be about work. Part of the joy that comes from the retail automotive business is the crazy but true stories that arise from customer interaction. Share your true and humorous anecdote with us. (Make it clean enough to print.) Winners chosen to run in Auto Dealer Monthly will receive a $100 gift card. Submit your funny story to
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